Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cell
1.      If cell wall present, composed of acetyl glucosamine and muramic acid. Cellulose absent.
2.      Single layer plasma membrane covering system present.
3.      Well-differentiated nucleus absent.
4.      DNA content low.
5.         Mitochondria absent. For Aerobic respiration other droplet freely moving on cytoplasm or attached to plasma membrane.
6.      Chloroplast absent. Photosynthetic thylakoids of photoautotrophic forms lie freely in cytoplasm.
7.      Histone is absent in DNA. DNA is Naked.
8.      Centrosome and centriole are absent.
9.      Endoplasmic reticulum is absent.
10.  Ribosomes ares 70s type found.
11.  Cyclosis absent.
12.  True vacuole is absent. Present but as a gas vacuole.
13.   Golgi bodies are absent.
14.   Lysosomes are absent.
1. If cell wall present, composed of acetyl glucosamine and cellulose. Muramic acid absent.
2.      Double layered outer covering system present.
3.      Well differentiated nucleus present.
4.      DNA content high.
5.      Mitochondria present for aerobic respiration.
6.      Chloroplast present for photosynthesis.
7.      Histone is present in DNA.(Histone protein covers the DNA)
8.      Centrosome and centriole present.
9.      Cytoplasm contains 3-dimesnional system of membrane-filled channels called endoplasmic reticulum.(present)
10.  Cytoplasmic ribosome are 80s while organelle ribosomes are 70s type.
11.  Cyclosis present.
12.  True vacuole is present.
13.  Golgi bodies are present.
14.   Lysosomes or their equivalents occur in the cells.(present)

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